Suicide Squad (Film)
Suicide Squad is an Upcoming American SuperHero Film which is Based on the Brilliant DC Comics team. It is Calculated to be the third installment in the History of DC.
This Anti-Hero Movie known as Suicide Squad is written and Directed by David Ayer and the stars casting in the Film are Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Cara Delevingne, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Karen Fukuhara, Jay Hernandez, Adam Beach, and Viola Davis.
In the year 2009, A Suicide Squad Movie was in Construction at Warner Bros. Pictures. David Ayer was the One who signed to write and direct the Film in September 2014 and by October the casting Journey was Started. Principal Photography Started on 13th April, 2015. The Movie is Moreover to be Released on 5th August,.
The Film is Directed by: David Ayer.
The Production Business is done By: Richard Suckle & Charles Roven & Colin Wilson.
Written By: David Ayer.
* Will Smith.
* Jared Leto.
* Margot Robbie.
* Joel Kinnaman.
* Jai Courtney.
* Cara Delevingne.
* Viola Davis.
Cinematography By: Roman Vasyanov.
Production Company: DC Entertainment & Atlas Entertainment.
Distributed By: Warner Bros. Pictures.
Country: United States.
Language: English.
The Movie is going to be Set Free on August 5, 2016
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